
A list of special keys that can be used with the pressKeys and type functions.


Name Type Default Description
NULL string

Releases all held modifier keys.

CANCEL string

OS-specific keystroke sequence that performs a cancel action.

HELP string

The help key. This key only appears on older Apple keyboards in place of the Insert key.


The backspace key.

TAB string

The tab key.

CLEAR string

The clear key. This key only appears on full-size Apple keyboards in place of Num Lock key.

RETURN string

The return key.

ENTER string

The enter (numpad) key.

SHIFT string

The shift key.

CONTROL string

The control key.

ALT string

The alt key.

PAUSE string

The pause key.

ESCAPE string

The escape key.

SPACE string

The space bar.

PAGE_UP string

The page up key.

PAGE_DOWN string

The page down key.

END string

The end key.

HOME string

The home key.


The left arrow.

ARROW_UP string

The up arrow.


The right arrow.


The down arrow.

INSERT string

The insert key.

DELETE string

The delete key.


The semicolon key.

EQUALS string

The equals key.

NUMPAD0 string

The numpad zero key.

NUMPAD1 string

The numpad one key.

NUMPAD2 string

The numpad two key.

NUMPAD3 string

The numpad three key.

NUMPAD4 string

The numpad four key.

NUMPAD5 string

The numpad five key.

NUMPAD6 string

The numpad six key.

NUMPAD7 string

The numpad seven key.

NUMPAD8 string

The numpad eight key.

NUMPAD9 string

The numpad nine key.


The numpad multiply (*) key.

ADD string

The numpad add (+) key.


The numpad separator (=) key.


The numpad subtract (-) key.

DECIMAL string

The numpad decimal (.) key.

DIVIDE string

The numpad divide (/) key.

F1 string

The F1 key.

F2 string

The F2 key.

F3 string

The F3 key.

F4 string

The F4 key.

F5 string

The F5 key.

F6 string

The F6 key.

F7 string

The F7 key.

F8 string

The F8 key.

F9 string

The F9 key.

F10 string

The F10 key.

F11 string

The F11 key.

F12 string

The F12 key.

META string

The meta (Windows) key.

COMMAND string

The command (⌘) key.


The zenkaku/hankaku key.

"" string NULL
"" string Cancel
"" string Help
"" string Backspace
"" string Tab
"" string Clear
"" string Return
"" string Enter
"" string Shift
"" string Control
"" string Alt
"" string Pause
"" string Escape
"" string Space
"" string Page up
"" string Page down
"" string End
"" string Home
"" string Left arrow
"" string Up arrow
"" string Right arrow
"" string Down arrow
"" string Insert
"" string Delete
"" string Semicolon
"" string Equals
"" string Numpad 0
"" string Numpad 1
"" string Numpad 2
"" string Numpad 3
"" string Numpad 4
"" string Numpad 5
"" string Numpad 6
"" string Numpad 7
"" string Numpad 8
"" string Numpad 9
"" string Multiply
"" string Add
"" string Separator
"" string Subtract
"" string Decimal
"" string Divide
"" string F1
"" string F2
"" string F3
"" string F4
"" string F5
"" string F6
"" string F7
"" string F8
"" string F9
"" string F10
"" string F11
"" string F12
"" string Command
"" string Zenkaku/hankaku

