
Type Definitions


A list of possible capabilities for a remote WebDriver environment.


Name Type Description
applicationCacheEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability expose the state of the browser’s offline application cache via the WebDriver API.

brokenActiveElement boolean

Environments with this capability are incapable of returning the active element using the standard WebDriver API. This issue is automatically corrected;

brokenCookies boolean

Environments with this capability are incapable of clearing or deleting cookies. This issue cannot be worked around.

brokenCssTransformedSize boolean

Environments with this capability do not correctly retrieve the size of a CSS transformed element. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenDeleteCookie boolean

Environments with this capability do not correctly delete cookies. This issue is automatically corrected for cookies that are accessible via JavaScript.

brokenDeleteWindow boolean

Environments with this capability do not support window deletion through the WebDriver API. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenDoubleClick boolean

Environments with this capability do not follow the correct event order when double-clicking. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenExecuteElementReturn boolean

Environments with this capability return invalid element handles from execute functions. This issue cannot be worked around.

brokenExecuteForNonHttpUrl boolean

Environments with this capability don't support script injection when the current browser URL is not an http/https URL. This issue cannot be worked around.

brokenExecuteUndefinedReturn boolean

(Since 1.6.3) Environments with this capability return undefined (which is not valid JSON) instead of null when an undefined value is returned from the server. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenElementDisplayedOpacity boolean

Environments with this capability claim fully transparent elements are non-hidden. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenElementDisplayedOffscreen boolean

Environments with this capability claim elements positioned offscreen to the top/left of the page are non-hidden. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenElementPosition boolean

Environments with this capability do not correctly retrieve the position of a CSS transformed element. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenElementSerialization boolean

Environments with this capability do not correctly serialize and/or deserialize elements between Intern and the remote browser. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenFileSendKeys boolean

Environments with this capability do not allow typing into file inputs. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenFlickFinger boolean

Environments with this capability do not operate correctly when the flickFinger method is called. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenHtmlMouseMove boolean

(Since 1.6.1) Environments with this capability throw an error when using moveMouseTo on the root document (<html>) element. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenHtmlTagName boolean

Environments with this capability return HTML tag names with the incorrect case. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenLongTap boolean

Environments with this capability fail to perform long tap gestures. This issue is not currently corrected.

brokenMouseEvents boolean

Environments with this capability have broken mouse event APIs. This issue is automatically corrected as much as possible through JavaScript-based event emulation.

brokenMoveFinger boolean

Environments with this capability do not support dragging fingers across the page. This issue is not currently corrected.

brokenNavigation boolean

Environments with this capability do not support browser navigation functions (back, forward, refresh). This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenNullGetSpecAttribute boolean

Environments with this capability incorrectly return an empty string instead of null for attributes that do not exist when using the getSpecAttribute retrieval method. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenPageSource boolean

Environments with this capability are not able to return the page source using the standard WebDriver API. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenParentFrameSwitch boolean

Environments with this capability cannot switch to a parent frame. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenRefresh boolean

Environments with this capability fail to complete calls to refresh a page through the standard WebDriver API. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenSendKeys boolean

Environments with this capability have broken keyboard event APIs. This issue is automatically corrected as much as possible through JavaScript-based event emulation.

brokenSubmitElement boolean

Environments with this capability incorrectly omit the key/value of the button being submitted. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenTouchScroll boolean

Environments with this capability do not operate correctly when the touchScroll method is called. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenWhitespace boolean

Environments with this capability do not properly normalize whitespace values. This can cause findByLinkText to fail and getVisibleText to return unexpected results. This issue is automatically corrected.

brokenWindowClose boolean

Environments with this capability break when a window is closed. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenWindowPosition boolean

Environments with this capability break when setWindowPosition is called. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenWindowSize boolean

Environments with this capability do not support getting or setting window sizes. Thsi issue cannot be corrected.

brokenWindowSwitch boolean

Environments with this capability cannot switch between windows. This issue cannot be corrected.

brokenZeroTimeout boolean

Environments with this capability do not handle timeouts of 0. This issue is automatically corrected.

browserName string

The name of the current environment.

cssSelectorsEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability can use CSS selectors to find elements.

dynamicViewport boolean

Environments with this capability have viewports that can be resized.

fixSessionCapabilities boolean

Set this desired capability to false to disable Leadfoot’s feature detection code. This will speed up startup but will disable most Leadfoot fixes, so some environments may stop working correctly.

fixedLogTypes boolean|Array.<string>

Environments with this capability break when the getLogTypes method is called. The list of log types provided here are used in lieu of the values provided by the server when calling getLogTypes.

implicitWindowHandles boolean

Environments with this capability implicitly use the current window for all window-based commands. The W3C WebDriver specification currently works this way, while JsonWireProtocol uses explicit window handles.

javascriptEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability have JavaScript enabled. Leadfoot does not operate in environments without JavaScript.

locationContextEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability allow the geographic location of the browser to be set and retrieved using the WebDriver API.

mouseEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability support interaction via mouse commands.

nativeEvents boolean

Environments with this capability use platform native events instead of emulated events.

platform string

The name of the platform on which the current environment is running.

remoteFiles boolean

Environments with this capability allow files to be uploaded from a remote client.

rotatable boolean

Environments with this capability allow the rotation of the device to be set and retrieved using the WebDriver API.

shortcutKey string

The special key that is used by default on the given platform to perform keyboard shortcuts.

supportsCssTransforms boolean

Environments with this capability support CSS transforms.

supportsExecuteAsync boolean

Environments with this capability support asynchronous JavaScript execution.

supportsKeysCommand boolean

Environments with this capability support the /keys command, which implicitly sends keystrokes to the active element.

supportsNavigationDataUris boolean

Environments with this capability support navigation to data: URIs.

takesScreenshot boolean

Environments with this capability allow screenshots of the current screen to be taken.

touchEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability support interaction via touch commands.

version string

The version number of the current environment.

webStorageEnabled boolean

Environments with this capability allow local storage and session storage to be set and retrieved using the WebDriver API.


An object that describes a geographical location.


Name Type Attributes Description
latitude number

Latitude in WGS84 decimal coordinate system.

longitude number

Longitude in WGS84 decimal coordinate system.

altitude number optional

Altitude in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid.


A remote log entry.


Name Type Description
timestamp number

The timestamp of the entry.

level string

The severity level of the entry. This level is not currently normalised.

message string

The log entry message.


An object that describes an HTTP cookie.


Name Type Attributes Description
name string

The name of the cookie.

value string

The value of the cookie.

path string optional

The registered path for the cookie.

domain string optional

The registered domain for the cookie.

secure boolean optional

True if the cookie should only be transmitted over HTTPS.

httpOnly boolean optional

True if the cookie should be inaccessible to client-side scripting.

expiry Date optional

The expiration date of the cookie.


An error from the remote WebDriver server.


Name Type Description
name string

The human-readable error type returned by the WebDriver server. See leadfoot/lib/statusCodes for a list of error types.

message string

A human-readable message describing the error.

status number

The raw error status code returned by the WebDriver server.

detail Object

The raw detail of the error returned by the WebDriver server.

request Object

The parameters for the request.

response dojo/request.IResponse

The response object for the request.

stack string

The stack trace for the request.