

  1. leadfoot/Session
  2. Object

new (require("leadfoot/Session"))(sessionId: string, server: leadfoot/Server, capabilities: Capabilities)

A Session represents a connection to a remote environment that can be driven programmatically.


Name Type Description
sessionId string

The ID of the session, as provided by the remote.

server leadfoot/Server

The server that the session belongs to.

capabilities Capabilities

A map of bugs and features that the remote environment exposes.

All Properties

Property Defined by

Information about the available features and bugs in the remote environment.


The Server that the session runs on.

sessionId: string

The current session ID.


All Methods

Method Defined by
_manualFindByLinkText(using: string, value: string, multiple: boolean, elementnullable: Element): Element|Array.<Element>

Searches a document or element subtree for links with the given normalized text.

_normalizeWhitespace(text: string): string

Normalize whitespace in the same way that most browsers generate innerText.

acceptAlert(): Promise.<void>

Accepts an alert, prompt, or confirmation pop-up.

activateIme(engine: string): Promise.<void>

Activates an input method editor in the remote environment.

clearCookies(): Promise.<void>

Clears all cookies for the current page.

clearLocalStorage(): Promise.<void>

Clears all data in local storage for the focused window/frame.

clearSessionStorage(): Promise.<void>

Clears all data in session storage for the focused window/frame.

clickMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Clicks a mouse button at the point where the mouse cursor is currently positioned.

closeCurrentWindow(): Promise.<void>

Closes the currently focused window.

deactivateIme(): Promise.<void>

Deactivates any active input method editor in the remote environment.

deleteCookie(name: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a cookie on the current page.

deleteLocalStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a value from local storage for the focused window/frame.

deleteSessionStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a value from session storage for the focused window/frame.

dismissAlert(): Promise.<void>

Dismisses an alert, prompt, or confirmation pop-up.

doubleClick(): Promise.<void>

Double-clicks the primary mouse button.

doubleTap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Performs a double-tap gesture on an element.

execute(script: function|string, args: Array.<any>): Promise.<any>

Executes JavaScript code within the focused window/frame.

executeAsync(script: function|string, args: Array.<any>): Promise.<any>

Executes JavaScript code within the focused window/frame.

find(using: string, value: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element from the focused window/frame that matches the given query.

findAll(using: string, value: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets an array of elements from the focused window/frame that match the given query.

findAllByClassName(className: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name.

findAllByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector.

findAllByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findAllByName(name: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute.

findAllByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findAllByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name.

findAllByXpath(path: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector.

findByClassName(className: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name.

findByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector.

findById(id: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID.

findByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findByName(name: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute.

findByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name.

findByXpath(path: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector.

findDisplayed(using: string, value: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given query.

findDisplayedByClassName(className: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name.

findDisplayedByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector.

findDisplayedById(id: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID.

findDisplayedByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findDisplayedByName(name: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute.


Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text.

findDisplayedByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name.

findDisplayedByXpath(path: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector.

flickFinger(element: leadfoot/Element, xOffset: number, yOffset: number, speed: number): Promise.<void>

Flicks a finger.

get(url: string): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame to a new URL.


Gets the currently focused element from the focused window/frame.

getActiveImeEngine(): Promise.<string>

Gets the currently active input method editor for the remote environment.

getAlertText(): Promise.<string>

Gets the text displayed in the currently active alert pop-up.

getAllWindowHandles(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets a list of identifiers for all currently open windows.

getApplicationCacheStatus(): Promise.<number>

Gets the current state of the HTML5 application cache for the current page.

getAvailableImeEngines(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets a list of input method editor engines available to the remote environment.

getAvailableLogTypes(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the types of logs that are currently available for retrieval from the remote environment.

getCookies(): Promise.<Array.<WebDriverCookie>>

Gets all cookies set on the current page.

getCurrentUrl(): Promise.<string>

Gets the URL that is loaded in the focused window/frame.

getCurrentWindowHandle(): Promise.<string>

Gets the identifier for the window that is currently focused.

getExecuteAsyncTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#executeAsync calls.

getFindTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#find calls.


Gets the current geographical location of the remote environment.

getLocalStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<string>

Gets a value from local storage for the focused window/frame.

getLocalStorageKeys(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the list of keys set in local storage for the focused window/frame.

getLocalStorageLength(): Promise.<number>

Gets the number of keys set in local storage for the focused window/frame.

getLogsFor(type: string): Promise.<Array.<LogEntry>>

Gets all logs from the remote environment of the given type.

getOrientation(): Promise.<string>

Gets the current screen orientation.

getPageLoadTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#get calls.

getPageSource(): Promise.<string>

Gets the HTML loaded in the focused window/frame.

getPageTitle(): Promise.<string>

Gets the title of the top-level browsing context of the current window or tab.

getSessionStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<string>

Gets a value from session storage for the focused window/frame.

getSessionStorageKeys(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the list of keys set in session storage for the focused window/frame.

getSessionStorageLength(): Promise.<number>

Gets the number of keys set in session storage for the focused window/frame.

getTimeout(type: string): Promise.<number>

Gets the current value of a timeout for the session.

getWindowPosition(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<{x: number, y: number}>

Gets the position of a window.

getWindowSize(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<{width: number, height: number}>

Gets the dimensions of a window.

goBack(): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame back one page using the browser’s navigation history.

goForward(): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame forward one page using the browser’s navigation history.

isImeActivated(): Promise.<boolean>

Returns whether or not an input method editor is currently active in the remote environment.

longTap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Performs a long-tap gesture on an element.

maximizeWindow(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<void>

Maximises a window according to the platform’s window system behaviour.

moveFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Moves the last depressed finger to a new point on the touch screen.

moveMouseTo(elementopt: Element, xOffsetopt: number, yOffsetopt: number): Promise.<void>

Moves the remote environment’s mouse cursor to the specified element or relative position.

pressFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Depresses a new finger at the given point on a touch screen device without releasing it.

pressKeys(keys: string|Array.<string>): Promise.<void>

Types into the focused window/frame/element.

pressMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Depresses a mouse button without releasing it.

quit(): Promise.<void>

Terminates the session.

refresh(): Promise.<void>

Reloads the current browser window/frame.

releaseFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Releases whatever finger exists at the given point on a touch screen device.

releaseMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Releases a previously depressed mouse button.

setCookie(cookie: WebDriverCookie): Promise.<void>

Sets a cookie on the current page.

setExecuteAsyncTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#executeAsync calls.

setFindTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#find calls.

setGeolocation(location: Geolocation): Promise.<void>

Sets the geographical location of the remote environment.

setLocalStorageItem(key: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Sets a value in local storage for the focused window/frame.

setOrientation(orientation: string): Promise.<void>

Sets the screen orientation.

setPageLoadTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#get calls.

setSessionStorageItem(key: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Sets a value in session storage for the focused window/frame.

setTimeout(type: string, ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the value of a timeout for the session.

setWindowPosition(windowHandleopt: string, x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the position of a window.

setWindowSize(windowHandleopt: string, width: number, height: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the dimensions of a window.

switchToFrame(id: string|number|null|Element): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused frame to a new frame.

switchToParentFrame(): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused frame to the parent of the currently focused frame.

switchToWindow(handle: string): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused window to a new window.

takeScreenshot(): Promise.<Buffer>

Gets a screenshot of the focused window and returns it in PNG format.

tap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Taps an element on a touch screen device.

touchScroll(elementopt: Element, xOffsetopt: number, yOffsetopt: number): Promise.<void>

Scrolls the currently focused window on a touch screen device.

typeInPrompt(text: string|Array.<string>): Promise.<void>

Types into the currently active prompt pop-up.

waitForDeleted(using: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByClassName(className: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedById(id: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByName(name: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name to be destroyed.

waitForDeletedByXpath(path: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector to be destroyed.



(readonly) capabilities: Capabilities

Information about the available features and bugs in the remote environment.

(readonly) server: leadfoot/Server

The Server that the session runs on.

(readonly) sessionId: string

The current session ID.


_manualFindByLinkText(using: string, value: string, multiple: boolean, elementnullable: Element): Element|Array.<Element>

Searches a document or element subtree for links with the given normalized text. This method works for 'link text' and 'partial link text' search strategies.

Note that this method should be passed to an execute call, not called directly.


Name Type Attributes Description
using string

The strategy in use ('link text' or 'partial link text')

value string

The link text to search for

multiple boolean

If true, return all matching links

element Element nullable

A context element


  • The found element or elements

_normalizeWhitespace(text: string): string

Normalize whitespace in the same way that most browsers generate innerText.


Name Type
text string


  • Text with leading and trailing whitespace removed, with inner runs of spaces changed to a single space, and with "\r\n" pairs converted to "\n".

acceptAlert(): Promise.<void>

Accepts an alert, prompt, or confirmation pop-up. Equivalent to clicking the 'OK' button.

activateIme(engine: string): Promise.<void>

Activates an input method editor in the remote environment. As of April 2014, no known remote environments support IME functions.


Name Type Description
engine string

The type of IME to activate.

clearCookies(): Promise.<void>

Clears all cookies for the current page.

clearLocalStorage(): Promise.<void>

Clears all data in local storage for the focused window/frame.

clearSessionStorage(): Promise.<void>

Clears all data in session storage for the focused window/frame.

clickMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Clicks a mouse button at the point where the mouse cursor is currently positioned. This method may fail to execute with an error if the mouse has not been moved anywhere since the page was loaded.


Name Type Attributes Description
button number optional

The button to click. 0 corresponds to the primary mouse button, 1 to the middle mouse button, 2 to the secondary mouse button. Numbers above 2 correspond to any additional buttons a mouse might provide.

closeCurrentWindow(): Promise.<void>

Closes the currently focused window. In most environments, after the window has been closed, it is necessary to explicitly switch to whatever window is now focused.

deactivateIme(): Promise.<void>

Deactivates any active input method editor in the remote environment. As of April 2014, no known remote environments support IME functions.

deleteCookie(name: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a cookie on the current page.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the cookie to delete.

deleteLocalStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a value from local storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key of the data to delete.

deleteSessionStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<void>

Deletes a value from session storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key of the data to delete.

dismissAlert(): Promise.<void>

Dismisses an alert, prompt, or confirmation pop-up. Equivalent to clicking the 'OK' button of an alert pop-up or the 'Cancel' button of a prompt or confirmation pop-up.

doubleClick(): Promise.<void>

Double-clicks the primary mouse button.

doubleTap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Performs a double-tap gesture on an element.


Name Type Description
element leadfoot/Element

The element to double-tap.

execute(script: function|string, args: Array.<any>): Promise.<any>

Executes JavaScript code within the focused window/frame. The code should return a value synchronously.


Name Type Description
script function|string

The code to execute. This function will always be converted to a string, sent to the remote environment, and reassembled as a new anonymous function on the remote end. This means that you cannot access any variables through closure. If your code needs to get data from variables on the local end, they should be passed using args.

args Array.<any>

An array of arguments that will be passed to the executed code. Only values that can be serialised to JSON, plus leadfoot/Element objects, can be specified as arguments.


  • The value returned by the remote code. Only values that can be serialised to JSON, plus DOM elements, can be returned.


executeAsync(script: function|string, args: Array.<any>): Promise.<any>

Executes JavaScript code within the focused window/frame. The code must invoke the provided callback in order to signal that it has completed execution.


Name Type Description
script function|string

The code to execute. This function will always be converted to a string, sent to the remote environment, and reassembled as a new anonymous function on the remote end. This means that you cannot access any variables through closure. If your code needs to get data from variables on the local end, they should be passed using args.

args Array.<any>

An array of arguments that will be passed to the executed code. Only values that can be serialised to JSON, plus leadfoot/Element objects, can be specified as arguments. In addition to these arguments, a callback function will always be passed as the final argument to the function specified in script. This callback function must be invoked in order to signal that execution has completed. The return value of the execution, if any, should be passed to this callback function.


  • The value returned by the remote code. Only values that can be serialised to JSON, plus DOM elements, can be returned.


find(using: string, value: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element from the focused window/frame that matches the given query.


Name Type Description
using string

The element retrieval strategy to use. One of 'class name', 'css selector', 'id', 'name', 'link text', 'partial link text', 'tag name', 'xpath'.

value string

The strategy-specific value to search for. For example, if using is 'id', value should be the ID of the element to retrieve.


  • leadfoot/Session#setFindTimeout to set the amount of time it the remote environment should spend waiting for an element that does not exist at the time of the `find` call before timing out.

findAll(using: string, value: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets an array of elements from the focused window/frame that match the given query.


Name Type Description
using string

The element retrieval strategy to use. See leadfoot/Session#find for options.

value string

The strategy-specific value to search for. See leadfoot/Session#find for details.

findAllByClassName(className: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name.


Name Type Description
className string

The CSS class name to search for.

findAllByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector.


Name Type Description
selector string

The CSS selector to search for.

findAllByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text.


Name Type Description
text string

The link text of the element.

findAllByName(name: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the element.

findAllByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text.


Name Type Description
text string

The partial link text of the element.

findAllByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name.


Name Type Description
tagName string

The tag name of the element.

findAllByXpath(path: string): Promise.<Array.<leadfoot/Element>>

Gets all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector.


Name Type Description
path string

The XPath selector to search for.

findByClassName(className: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name.


Name Type Description
className string

The CSS class name to search for.

findByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector.


Name Type Description
selector string

The CSS selector to search for.

findById(id: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID.


Name Type Description
id string

The ID of the element.

findByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text.


Name Type Description
text string

The link text of the element.

findByName(name: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the element.

findByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text.


Name Type Description
text string

The partial link text of the element.

findByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name.


Name Type Description
tagName string

The tag name of the element.

findByXpath(path: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the first element in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector.


Name Type Description
path string

The XPath selector to search for.

findDisplayed(using: string, value: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given query. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
using string

The element retrieval strategy to use. See leadfoot/Session#find for options.

value string

The strategy-specific value to search for. See leadfoot/Session#find for details.

findDisplayedByClassName(className: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
className string

The CSS class name to search for.

findDisplayedByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
selector string

The CSS selector to search for.

findDisplayedById(id: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
id string

The ID of the element.

findDisplayedByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
text string

The link text of the element.

findDisplayedByName(name: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the element.

findDisplayedByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
text string

The partial link text of the element.

findDisplayedByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
tagName string

The tag name of the element.

findDisplayedByXpath(path: string): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>



Gets the first displayed element in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector. This is inherently slower than leadfoot/Session#find, so should only be used in cases where the visibility of an element cannot be ensured in advance.


Name Type Description
path string

The XPath selector to search for.

flickFinger(element: leadfoot/Element, xOffset: number, yOffset: number, speed: number): Promise.<void>

Flicks a finger. Note that this method is currently badly specified and highly dysfunctional and is only provided for the sake of completeness.


Name Type Description
element leadfoot/Element

The element where the flick should start.

xOffset number

The x-offset in pixels to flick by.

yOffset number

The x-offset in pixels to flick by.

speed number

The speed of the flick, in pixels per second. Most human flicks are 100–200ms, so this value will be higher than expected.

get(url: string): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame to a new URL.


Name Type
url string

getActiveElement(): Promise.<leadfoot/Element>

Gets the currently focused element from the focused window/frame.

getActiveImeEngine(): Promise.<string>

Gets the currently active input method editor for the remote environment. As of April 2014, no known remote environments support IME functions.

getAlertText(): Promise.<string>

Gets the text displayed in the currently active alert pop-up.

getAllWindowHandles(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets a list of identifiers for all currently open windows.

getApplicationCacheStatus(): Promise.<number>

Gets the current state of the HTML5 application cache for the current page.


  • The cache status. One of 0 (uncached), 1 (cached/idle), 2 (checking), 3 (downloading), 4 (update ready), 5 (obsolete).

getAvailableImeEngines(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets a list of input method editor engines available to the remote environment. As of April 2014, no known remote environments support IME functions.

getAvailableLogTypes(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the types of logs that are currently available for retrieval from the remote environment.

getCookies(): Promise.<Array.<WebDriverCookie>>

Gets all cookies set on the current page.

getCurrentUrl(): Promise.<string>

Gets the URL that is loaded in the focused window/frame.

getCurrentWindowHandle(): Promise.<string>

Gets the identifier for the window that is currently focused.


  • A window handle identifier that can be used with other window handling functions.

getExecuteAsyncTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#executeAsync calls.

getFindTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#find calls.

getGeolocation(): Promise.<Geolocation>

Gets the current geographical location of the remote environment.


  • Latitude and longitude are specified using standard WGS84 decimal latitude/longitude. Altitude is specified as meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid. Not all environments support altitude.

getLocalStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<string>

Gets a value from local storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key of the data to get.

getLocalStorageKeys(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the list of keys set in local storage for the focused window/frame.

getLocalStorageLength(): Promise.<number>

Gets the number of keys set in local storage for the focused window/frame.

getLogsFor(type: string): Promise.<Array.<LogEntry>>

Gets all logs from the remote environment of the given type. The logs in the remote environment are cleared once they have been retrieved.


Name Type Description
type string

The type of log entries to retrieve. Available log types differ between remote environments. Use leadfoot/Session#getAvailableLogTypes to learn what log types are currently available. Not all environments support all possible log types.


  • An array of log entry objects. Timestamps in log entries are Unix timestamps, in seconds.

getOrientation(): Promise.<string>

Gets the current screen orientation.


  • Either 'portrait' or 'landscape'.

getPageLoadTimeout(): Promise.<number>

Gets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#get calls.

getPageSource(): Promise.<string>

Gets the HTML loaded in the focused window/frame. This markup is serialised by the remote environment so may not exactly match the HTML provided by the Web server.

getPageTitle(): Promise.<string>

Gets the title of the top-level browsing context of the current window or tab.

getSessionStorageItem(key: string): Promise.<string>

Gets a value from session storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key of the data to get.

getSessionStorageKeys(): Promise.<Array.<string>>

Gets the list of keys set in session storage for the focused window/frame.

getSessionStorageLength(): Promise.<number>

Gets the number of keys set in session storage for the focused window/frame.

getTimeout(type: string): Promise.<number>

Gets the current value of a timeout for the session.


Name Type Description
type string

The type of timeout to retrieve. One of 'script', 'implicit', or 'page load'.


  • The timeout, in milliseconds.

getWindowPosition(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<{x: number, y: number}>

Gets the position of a window.

Note that this method is not part of the W3C WebDriver standard.


Name Type Attributes Description
windowHandle string optional

The name of the window to query. See leadfoot/Session#switchToWindow to learn about valid window names. Omit this argument to query the currently focused window.


  • An object describing the position of the window, in CSS pixels, relative to the top-left corner of the primary monitor. If a secondary monitor exists above or to the left of the primary monitor, these values will be negative.

getWindowSize(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<{width: number, height: number}>

Gets the dimensions of a window.


Name Type Attributes Description
windowHandle string optional

The name of the window to query. See leadfoot/Session#switchToWindow to learn about valid window names. Omit this argument to query the currently focused window.


  • An object describing the width and height of the window, in CSS pixels.

goBack(): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame back one page using the browser’s navigation history.

goForward(): Promise.<void>

Navigates the focused window/frame forward one page using the browser’s navigation history.

isImeActivated(): Promise.<boolean>

Returns whether or not an input method editor is currently active in the remote environment. As of April 2014, no known remote environments support IME functions.

longTap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Performs a long-tap gesture on an element.


Name Type Description
element leadfoot/Element

The element to long-tap.

maximizeWindow(windowHandleopt: string): Promise.<void>

Maximises a window according to the platform’s window system behaviour.


Name Type Attributes Description
windowHandle string optional

The name of the window to resize. See leadfoot/Session#switchToWindow to learn about valid window names. Omit this argument to resize the currently focused window.

moveFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Moves the last depressed finger to a new point on the touch screen.


Name Type Description
x number

The screen x-coordinate to move to, maybe in device pixels.

y number

The screen y-coordinate to move to, maybe in device pixels.

moveMouseTo(elementopt: Element, xOffsetopt: number, yOffsetopt: number): Promise.<void>

Moves the remote environment’s mouse cursor to the specified element or relative position. If the element is outside of the viewport, the remote driver will attempt to scroll it into view automatically.


Name Type Attributes Description
element Element optional

The element to move the mouse to. If x-offset and y-offset are not specified, the mouse will be moved to the centre of the element.

xOffset number optional

The x-offset of the cursor, maybe in CSS pixels, relative to the left edge of the specified element’s bounding client rectangle. If no element is specified, the offset is relative to the previous position of the mouse, or to the left edge of the page’s root element if the mouse was never moved before.

yOffset number optional

The y-offset of the cursor, maybe in CSS pixels, relative to the top edge of the specified element’s bounding client rectangle. If no element is specified, the offset is relative to the previous position of the mouse, or to the top edge of the page’s root element if the mouse was never moved before.

pressFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Depresses a new finger at the given point on a touch screen device without releasing it.


Name Type Description
x number

The screen x-coordinate to press, maybe in device pixels.

y number

The screen y-coordinate to press, maybe in device pixels.

pressKeys(keys: string|Array.<string>): Promise.<void>

Types into the focused window/frame/element.


Name Type Description
keys string|Array.<string>

The text to type in the remote environment. It is possible to type keys that do not have normal character representations (modifier keys, function keys, etc.) as well as keys that have two different representations on a typical US-ASCII keyboard (numpad keys); use the values from leadfoot/keys to type these special characters. Any modifier keys that are activated by this call will persist until they are deactivated. To deactivate a modifier key, type the same modifier key a second time, or send \uE000 ('NULL') to deactivate all currently active modifier keys.

pressMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Depresses a mouse button without releasing it.


Name Type Attributes Description
button number optional

The button to press. See leadfoot/Session#click for available options.

quit(): Promise.<void>

Terminates the session. No more commands will be accepted by the remote after this point.

refresh(): Promise.<void>

Reloads the current browser window/frame.

releaseFinger(x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Releases whatever finger exists at the given point on a touch screen device.


Name Type Description
x number

The screen x-coordinate where a finger is pressed, maybe in device pixels.

y number

The screen y-coordinate where a finger is pressed, maybe in device pixels.

releaseMouseButton(buttonopt: number): Promise.<void>

Releases a previously depressed mouse button.


Name Type Attributes Description
button number optional

The button to press. See leadfoot/Session#click for available options.

setCookie(cookie: WebDriverCookie): Promise.<void>

Sets a cookie on the current page.


Name Type
cookie WebDriverCookie

setExecuteAsyncTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#executeAsync calls.


Name Type Description
ms number

The length of the timeout, in milliseconds.

setFindTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#find calls.


Name Type Description
ms number

The length of the timeout, in milliseconds.

setGeolocation(location: Geolocation): Promise.<void>

Sets the geographical location of the remote environment.


Name Type Description
location Geolocation

Latitude and longitude are specified using standard WGS84 decimal latitude/longitude. Altitude is specified as meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid. Not all environments support altitude.

setLocalStorageItem(key: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Sets a value in local storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key to set.

value string

The value to set.

setOrientation(orientation: string): Promise.<void>

Sets the screen orientation.


Name Type Description
orientation string

Either 'portrait' or 'landscape'.

setPageLoadTimeout(ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the timeout for leadfoot/Session#get calls.


Name Type Description
ms number

The length of the timeout, in milliseconds.

setSessionStorageItem(key: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Sets a value in session storage for the focused window/frame.


Name Type Description
key string

The key to set.

value string

The value to set.

setTimeout(type: string, ms: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the value of a timeout for the session.


Name Type Description
type string

The type of timeout to set. One of 'script', 'implicit', or 'page load'.

ms number

The length of time to use for the timeout, in milliseconds. A value of 0 will cause operations to time out immediately.

setWindowPosition(windowHandleopt: string, x: number, y: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the position of a window.

Note that this method is not part of the W3C WebDriver standard.


Name Type Attributes Description
windowHandle string optional

The name of the window to move. See leadfoot/Session#switchToWindow to learn about valid window names. Omit this argument to move the currently focused window.

x number

The screen x-coordinate to move to, in CSS pixels, relative to the left edge of the primary monitor.

y number

The screen y-coordinate to move to, in CSS pixels, relative to the top edge of the primary monitor.

setWindowSize(windowHandleopt: string, width: number, height: number): Promise.<void>

Sets the dimensions of a window.


Name Type Attributes Description
windowHandle string optional

The name of the window to resize. See leadfoot/Session#switchToWindow to learn about valid window names. Omit this argument to resize the currently focused window.

width number

The new width of the window, in CSS pixels.

height number

The new height of the window, in CSS pixels.

switchToFrame(id: string|number|null|Element): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused frame to a new frame.


Name Type Description
id string|number|null|Element

The frame to switch to. In most environments, a number or string value corresponds to a key in the window.frames object of the currently active frame. If null, the topmost (default) frame will be used. If an Element is provided, it must correspond to a <frame> or <iframe> element.

switchToParentFrame(): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused frame to the parent of the currently focused frame.

switchToWindow(handle: string): Promise.<void>

Switches the currently focused window to a new window.


Name Type Description
handle string

The handle of the window to switch to. In mobile environments and environments based on the W3C WebDriver standard, this should be a handle as returned by leadfoot/Session#getAllWindowHandles.

In environments using the JsonWireProtocol, this value corresponds to the window.name property of a window.

takeScreenshot(): Promise.<Buffer>

Gets a screenshot of the focused window and returns it in PNG format.


  • A buffer containing a PNG image.

tap(element: leadfoot/Element): Promise.<void>

Taps an element on a touch screen device. If the element is outside of the viewport, the remote driver will attempt to scroll it into view automatically.


Name Type Description
element leadfoot/Element

The element to tap.

touchScroll(elementopt: Element, xOffsetopt: number, yOffsetopt: number): Promise.<void>

Scrolls the currently focused window on a touch screen device.


Name Type Attributes Description
element Element optional

An element to scroll to. The window will be scrolled so the element is as close to the top-left corner of the window as possible.

xOffset number optional

An optional x-offset, relative to the left edge of the element, in CSS pixels. If no element is specified, the offset is relative to the previous scroll position of the window.

yOffset number optional

An optional y-offset, relative to the top edge of the element, in CSS pixels. If no element is specified, the offset is relative to the previous scroll position of the window.

typeInPrompt(text: string|Array.<string>): Promise.<void>

Types into the currently active prompt pop-up.


Name Type Description
text string|Array.<string>

The text to type into the pop-up’s input box.

waitForDeleted(using: string, value: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
using string

The element retrieval strategy to use. See leadfoot/Session#find for options.

value string

The strategy-specific value to search for. See leadfoot/Session#find for details.

waitForDeletedByClassName(className: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS class name to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
className string

The CSS class name to search for.

waitForDeletedByCssSelector(selector: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given CSS selector to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
selector string

The CSS selector to search for.

waitForDeletedById(id: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given ID to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
id string

The ID of the element.

waitForDeletedByLinkText(text: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given case-insensitive link text to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
text string

The link text of the element.

waitForDeletedByName(name: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given name attribute to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the element.

waitForDeletedByPartialLinkText(text: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame partially matching the given case-insensitive link text to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
text string

The partial link text of the element.

waitForDeletedByTagName(tagName: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given HTML tag name to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
tagName string

The tag name of the element.

waitForDeletedByXpath(path: string): Promise.<void>

Waits for all elements in the currently active window/frame matching the given XPath selector to be destroyed.


Name Type Description
path string

The XPath selector to search for.